My Household Servants

A little less than a year ago, I did a Doorposts study of the Proverbs 31 woman. The study was highly encouraging to me as a brand-new stay-at-home Mama!!

One thought that was so encouraging throughout the study was that the work the woman does at home is of high value. It's mundane. It's ordinary. And it's important.

The woman in the chapter has servants that she plans for. It's easy (and I've read many things on the internet that use this argument) to argue that we can't do what this woman can do because we don't have servants anymore. And while, yes, this is a model woman and not a young first time Mama just trying to make it to the end of the day....she is a model for us to try to emulate. And...we do have servants.

This servant cleans my dishes for me.

This servant makes sure that my food cooks at an even temperature.

This servant chops my food into small pieces.

This servant keeps my food cold so that I can buy food ahead of time.

This pair of servants washes and dries my clothes.

It's up to me, as the manager of my home, to plan for and manage the work of these servants. I can have so many things going at once in my house while I focus my attention on something else. If I plan well, I can have a load of clothes and a load of dishes washed all while I play with Meghan or cook lunch.

It's just a matter of planning. It's just a matter of my perspective.


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