Recent Homeschool Happenings

This sweetie is really enjoying school right now! And, she's working towards doing more and more skill practice independently. She's so proud of herself and for good reason!

She decided, on her own, to match the lowercase to the uppercase sandpaper letters.

Katie Girl is really enjoying reading the simple books that she is able to read. She especially loves the little science readers - which Meghan thoroughly enjoyed as well. 

She is getting much more willing to write - dysgraphia is tough, but she's working hard and it shows.

I think it's so cute when Katie "blows up the balloon" for the balloon prayer with the CBS teacher on her weekly lesson video. She will be so excited to (hopefully) be able to be back in person next year! 

Meghan girl LOVES science. Animal science right now is super exciting! 

I found them like this while watching Superbook. They are building a strong relationship with more time to spend together since Katie is no longer in daily therapy. It's exciting to watch them becoming best friends.

The girls are really enjoying building & designing projects. Katie was making a circle street world. 

Meghan has been enjoying building figures with Plus Plus blocks. She got a few new sets for her birthday and worked through several cute little creatures during the week. 

She got the game Dragonrealm for her birthday and really enjoyed our first time playing it! It's pretty cool to see how she is changing and becoming more adept at logic and planning and thinking things through to make a plan as she is growing up. 


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